Pipe2022 Product Line | Pipe Cutting

Pipe2022 Product Line

Pipe2022 is the intuitive interface behind the powerful suite of modules shown below. This interface and the calculation engines KYPipe, Surge, Gas, Steam, GoFlow, and GoPlot were developed by Civil Engineering professors from the University of Kentucky and have been continually updated and maintained for over 45 years.

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Try It Out

KYPipe has a fully-functioning demo and you can see for yourself how powerful and amazing it is. Unlocking the various engines included as part of the Pipe2022 package is as simple as a phone call.

Get the DEMO Click here to order.

Pipe2022 Product Line

Pipe2022 is the intuitive interface behind the powerful suite of modules shown below. This interface and the calculation engines KYPipe, Surge, Gas, Steam, GoFlow, and GoPlot were developed by Civil Engineering professors from the University of Kentucky and have been continually updated and maintained for over 45 years. Click here to order.

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