CNC Machining and Fabrication Services
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name : data.config.DeskMain; switch(type) { case ‘vEllipsis’: return ‘More’; case ‘map’: return ” case ‘hEllipsis’: return ‘More’; case ‘plus’: return ‘More’; case ‘bars’: return ‘More’; case ‘envelope’: return ‘Email’; case ‘shareenvelope’: return ‘Email’; case ‘phone’: return ‘Phone’; case ‘close’: return ‘Close’; case ‘facebook’: return ‘Facebook’; case ‘messenger’: return ‘Facebook Messenger’ case ‘tumblr’: return ‘Tumblr’; case ‘linkedIn’: return ‘LinkedIn’; case ‘twitter’: return ‘Twitter’; case ‘reddit’: return ‘Reddit’; case ‘pinterest’: return ‘Pinterest’; case ‘share’: return ‘Share’; case ‘sms’: return ‘SMS Text’; case ‘link’: return ”; default: return ”; } } function getSvg(name) { const type = name? name : data.config.DeskMain; switch(type) { case ‘vEllipsis’: return ‘More’; case ‘map’: return ” case ‘hEllipsis’: return ‘More’; case ‘plus’: return ‘More’; case ‘bars’: return ‘More’; case ‘envelope’: return ‘Email’; case ‘shareenvelope’: return ‘Email’; case ‘phone’: return ‘Phone’; case ‘close’: return ‘Close’; case ‘facebook’: return ‘Facebook’; case ‘messenger’: return ‘Facebook Messenger’ case ‘tumblr’: return ‘Tumblr’; case ‘linkedIn’: return ‘LinkedIn’; case ‘twitter’: return ‘Twitter’; case ‘reddit’: return ‘Reddit’; case ‘pinterest’: return ‘Pinterest’; case ‘share’: return ‘Share’; case ‘sms’: return ‘SMS Text’; case ‘link’: return ”; case ‘chat’: // return ‘Email’; return ”; default: return ”; } } }; ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]]]>]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]]]>]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]>
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CNC Machining and Fabrication Services
Contact Hardrock HDDP for metal fabrication and machine shop services including custom manufacturing. Nationwide shipping. 20+ years of experience. Free quotes.
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